Everything under one roof

Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of leading specialists in their fields who work closely together during each of our five project phases. This means that whether looking for end-to-end project support or a specific one-off service you can be assured of quality, speed and informed innovative thinking from our in-house team.


The Feasibility phase is where initial engineering work is performed. The boundary conditions (e.g. wind, wave, geology, etc.) of the project site are investigated and critically reviewed. This identifies risks and hazards that may be potential threats to the project.

Project bid support

Project development strategies

Technical feasibility

Due diligence

Desk studies

Seismic assessment

Environment impact assessments

3D ground modelling


At this point we begin to work with the broader team to get into the project detail. This means looking at and reducing project risks by looking at site, soil, seismic data and more, optimising wind farm layouts, considering foundation design options, installation concerns as well as identifying opportunities for innovation and general improvement.

Geophysical surveys

Site conditions assessments

Geotechnical surveys

UXO surveys & assessment

Cost modelling

Harbour assessment

Geotechnical interpretive works

Seismic analysis

Seafloor morphology assessment

Geotechnical laboratory testing

Pile testing campaigns

Integrated aero-elastic load analysis

Export and array cable engineering

Dredging and Landfall assessment

Cable burial risk assessment


We are very proud to have designed some of the most cost-effective foundation designs for many of the largest offshore wind projects in the world. This is achieved through our holistic in-house approach to design, which means we have all the information available whenever we need it, delivering a more efficient process. Having all these inputs at our fingertips to fully understand the design and supply chain constraints results in efficient structural design and project cost savings.

Monopile foundations

Jacket foundations

Floating foundations

Offshore Substations

Load Iterations

Secondary steel design

Scour protection design

Corrosion protection design

Low-voltage electrical design

Suction bucket design

Wave loads

Seismic loading

Cycle soil degradation

Liquefaction analysis

Cable Installation tools assessment


For the Installation phase Wood Thilsted offers you everything you need to ensure the successful execution of a project. Our team has worked on the installation of dozens of projects and has the right tools, knowledge, technology and understanding of partnership working to make sure fabrication, transport and installation run smoothly.

Fabrication inspection

Transport & installation

Cable burial performance & risk assessment

Pile installation assessment


Simply put, under the right conditions we can make your wind farms operate for longer. The combination of our cutting edge digital twin technology, decades of offshore engineering experience, surveying expertise and integrated team working means we can monitor and accurately assess the structural integrity and efficiency of every turbine and foundation in your wind farm. The result? We could add years of operation to your wind farm.

Lifetime extensions

Digital windfarm twins

Post-construction surveys